Did you know that probiotics could enhance your complexion?

Skin problems are a significant concern among both men and women. Everyone covets bright, glowing, and radiant skin, but few of us are aware of how to achieve it. Are you too looking for ways to enhance your skin complexion? Are you tired of using numerous skin products that do nothing for your skin? Do you think that maintaining good skin health costs an arm and a leg? If so, you will be glad to know that you have a new best friend that will save you from these expensive products – bacteria! Yes, you’re reading right, the good and friendly kind of bacteria that are found in various foods we eat daily can give you the lustrous skin you have always desired.

For ages, bacteria and other microorganisms have been considered as the disease-causing enemies of humanity. The biggest irony is that some of the foods we consume on an almost daily basis contain live bacteria. Probiotics such as yogurt and other cultured and fermented foods contain friendly microorganisms such as bacteria and yeast. These probiotics can improve the bacterial environment of the intestines, improve your gut health, and give you beautiful skin.

You may wonder, what is the connection between gut and skin health? How does good gut health improve skin health? Let’s go ahead, clear the knot in the pit of your stomach, literally, by understanding how probiotics can give you healthy, radiant skin.

Probiotics in action

Your body contains a combination of good and bad bacteria that are present naturally in the mouth, skin, and gut. Consuming probiotics increases the number of good bacteria and yeast in the body and is known to:

  • Boost immunity
  • Protect against several harmful bacteria and diseases
  • Improve digestion
  • Promote the absorption of food

Some bacteria stay in your gut amicably, helping you with the digestion of food, producing essential vitamins, and helping improve immunity. Although these healthy bacteria are more in number as compared to the bad ones, the gut also contains yeast, viruses, and small parasitic worms that may release some toxic products. The mucus layer in the intestine protects us against these harmful products. As the food you eat also affects your gut microbiota, a diet containing probiotics can assist in maintaining good digestive health and preventing diseases.

Probiotics for skin

Under healthy conditions, our body has more than 500 strains of probiotic microorganisms. Research suggests that different bacteria play a different role in the body. Some lactobacillus strains such as L. acidophilus, L. rhamnosus, and L. helveticus are the most researched probiotic microorganisms and are primarily responsible for good gut health.

Your skin reflects your age as well as health status. Your skin is the primary barrier that faces the brunt of dehydration and damage from pollution, ultraviolet rays, temperature changes, and infections. As your skin ages with time, it is increasingly influenced by these environmental problems. Your hormonal, psychological, and immunity status also affects the glow and appearance of your skin. Eating probiotic foods prevents dehydration, thereby acting as an inexpensive and easy pathway to hydrated, soft, and dazzling skin.


It is a common saying that you are what you eat. There cannot be a truer statement.

Prebiotics are the specialized plant fibers that act as fertilizers for the microflora in your gut. They are indigestible and pass through the stomach into the intestine, where they are used as food by the good bacteria. Unlike probiotics, they do not contain live bacteria but help these good bacteria in the intestine to survive and thrive. Thus, they can be thought of as supporting players of the team.

In simpler terms the overall benefits are –

  • Prebiotics support the growth and maintenance of bacteria in the gut and support probiotic microorganisms;
  • Probiotics help you maintain good overall health;
  • This is reflected on your skin in the form of improved complexion and glow.

Bottom line

Consulting a dietician or just a few clicks on the internet will give you the names of dozens of foods that contain probiotic microorganisms. You may also include prebiotics as the story remains incomplete without them. It might be easier instead to take a supplement that includes the recommended quantities of these bacteria.  Opt for the simplest, most cost-effective method of probiotics for glowing skin and get rid of the costly ineffective cosmetics.